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About Us

We provide resources and information about teen boot camps and help parents of troubled teens and young adults find more effective alternatives to support their families.

There are many alternatives to teen boot camps that have proven more effective and include wilderness therapy programs, academics, and cognitive therapy.

We encourage parents to consider teen residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools as a much better alternative to boot camps for troubled teens. We are here to help you find the best teen boot camp alternative to help your family.

The Teen Boot Camps website is a powerful resource for parents searching for answers to help their child.

We Are more than Teen Boot Camps!

Our professional staff are experts in the field of behavioral health. They have helped thousands of families searching for teen boot camps find access to the treatment necessary to help their troubled child make lasting changes. 

We understand the fear, anxiety, and worry that parents feel when they have a child who is battling addiction, struggling with teen depression, or self-hate. Our objective is to make it easier to find help for your child and reduce your stress. 

We Help Parents of Troubled Teens

Our years of assisting parents have given us a unique perspective in the field of teen recovery. We know the teen therapeutic programs that can offer real success, and more importantly, we know which roads to avoid. 

Our mission is to educate parents and provide information on all of the teen therapeutic options available to them, not just focus on traditional boot camps for teens.  We find that in order to make the hard choices that can save their child’s life you must consider all options not just teen boot camps near by.  

In short, we created to help parents undo the emotional and mental damage teens experience as a result of addiction, substance abuse, and poor decision making.  

Teen Therapeutic Programs

As teens start to experiment with illegal substances or succumb to peer pressure their academics suffer, they make poor peer choices, engage in dangerous sexual activity, and harm themselves. Because we’ve personally been where you are, we know what to do to help your family.

Our professional staff can introduce parents in crisis to the teen therapeutic programs and people who can help.  Our relationships with hundreds of troubled teen therapeutic services allow us to bypass systems and red tape and get you quickly to the people who can help.

Do you believe your child needs help, does he or she need "a lesson" or "to get some discipline"?
Boot Camps for Troubled Teens Are Not the Answer.
We DO NOT endorse teen boot camps because they were proven ineffective and dangerous. Learn More!

Customer Services
We Are Here For You

We understand this is a difficult time for you.   Sadly we do not know of any free programs.  

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